Monday, November 28, 2005

New Driver and putter grip

Well I bought a 905 with a graffolly blue shaft on ebay last week

and boy is it nice. that blue shaft feels great..nice and firm..not like my other shafts..i always felt i could whip right through my Graphite Design ys6 and ys7s...big relief to feel like ive finally found a graphite shaft i can take a good hard swing at...i was ready to go back to steel!

People were saying online that it feels too stiff or like a baseball bat but i guess they dont have the swing speed you need to use it..cause it IS stiff but that sorta seems like the point.

Its stays with you without feeling "whippy"..i felt like everything just had to be "perfect" as far as my hands, shoulders weight etc to keep control of the other shafts ...boy has the game ever changed in 19 years!

It was all steel shafts "back in the day"...i even still have my first or second generation taylor made driver kicking around somewhere!

So my driver is now the 905s 8.5 with Graffolly Blue shaft. Ill try and post an equipment list at some point.

I also took a tip from ben crenshaw on a DVD dave stokcton put out (really good if youre looking for putting approaches..not just tips!). I got my right thumb pointing down the shaft on my putter feels soo solid.

I was having problems with one hand "taking over" especialy on short putts...and getting both thumbs onto the top of the putter grip has really helped...thanks Ben! (and Harvey Pennick i guess!)

I would really suggest a solid review of your own fundimentals is anything is inconsistent in your own game...its amazing how they work so well. My right hand was only slightly over to the left but it was enought to make it inconsistent in both my take away and follow through on my putting swing.

Along with my slight adjustments on my full swing set up, its amazing how doing some easy little fixes can get stuff falling into place..or alteast giving us more control over things so that when things go bad, we can isolate problems more easily.

Ive always been a big believer in fundimentals and feel if people focused on them properly (rather than just "thinking" theyre doing them right!) theyd see such an improvement in their ball striking.

Again we all have to take these things out to the course (the hard part!), but the benefits of good solid fundimentals out-weight the work involved in incorporating other larger "swing changes" into our games. sometimes needlessly too..if our set up and main fundimentals are solid.

Also bought a new putter today so ill putt with it at home this week and report back if it keeps working (atleast on my little practice station in my room)

its nice an light and i like the way it sets up to the ball.

ok some more soon!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Good Day at the Range

Well went to the range to today and kept working with the ideas from yesterday.

Really came along nicely.

Really worked on my finish getting my weight onto the ball of me left foot. This helped my weight tranfer automatically at the beginning of my down swing.

Aslo worked a bit on getting the wieght on the balls of my feel at my address.

A touch of a slower take away helped keep things in aligment and kept a nice solid rhythm.

So to trigger all these things, a wider and stightly more open stance seemed to do the trick.

Ok! lets see how next session goes!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Range Work/Quick Lesson

Went to the range today and had a good workout.

Had a quick lesson to get my swing video taped had got some great input.

I had always had a bit of an open stanced and thsi season it tried to close things up a bit.

Well seems the pro thought I could get back into that slightly open position and it wouldnt hurt me..which is great cause I really felt I could get throught the ball better from that position.

Also we worked with a widened stance which really seemed to help..some Im goin to try and work with both of these ideas.

The biggest help tho was working on my follow through position.

Really trying to get my weight at my finish to be really over my my left foot and onb the ball of my foot.

A good tip was trying to test my positon was to try and barely lift my right toe olf the ground after holding my position on my follow thro

The really helped me in working my hips (but without think about it) and kept me really online.

So i think im going to work on thse along with the idea i was working with last week. That being keeing my right hand from letting off the grip.

wow lots to work on but we'll see how things go.

then short game short game short game!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Range Work

Wow another good night trying a few new things.

After working with my wrist position, i noticed that my right elbow was "flying".

I worked on getting into that "holding a try" type position at the top with the right elbow and boy did things fall into place.

Will see how things go with it in the month or so!

pw, 7, 5, 3, driver

2006 tourney sched coming together!

U.S.G.A Mid-Amateur 2006
Third week of April (Application released)

Sat April 23rd 2005 (for reference)
2005 Bay Ridge Lexus NYC Amateur Qualifying:
(Silver Lake and Clearview)

Sat April 30th 2005
2005 Bay Ridge Lexus NYC Amateur Qualifying:

Sat April 29 2006
Michelob Ultra Event
Spring Lake LI

Wednesday, May 11 (2005 for reference)
2005 Long Island Golf Association Open Championship Qualifier
Bethpage State Park-Red Course

Thursday, May 25 2006
Cold Spring CC
Cold Spring Harbor, NY

Sat May 27 2006
Great Rock

Sat-Sun May 28,29 2005 (for reference)
2005 Bay Ridge Lexus NYC Amateur Championship

Wednesday/Thursday, June 8-9, 2005 (for reference)
Long Island Golf Association Open
Bethpage State Park: Red Course

Sat June 10 2006
Rock Hill

Tuesday, June 13 2006
LaTourette GC
Staten Island, NY

Monday, June 20 (2005 for reference)
2006 Long Island Golf Association Amateur Championship
Qualifying Round
Woodcrest Club
Syosset, NY

Tues-Thurs, June 21-23 (2005 for reference)
2006 Long Island Golf Association Amateur Championship
Woodcrest Club
Syosset, NY

Sat-Sun June 24, 25 2006
NE Regional Washington DC

Thursday, July 6 2006
Richmond County CC
Staten Island, NY

Sat July 8 2006
LI National

Tues-Sat July 18-22, 2006
NY State Men's Amateur
CC of Troy, - Troy, NY

Sat July 22 2006
Pine Ridge

Wednesday July 26 2006
Woodmere Club
Woodmere, NY

Monday-Tuesday, August 01-02 2005 (for reference)
Long Island Golf Association Public Links Championships
Bethpage State Park-Black Course

Wed - Sat AUGUST 3-6 2006

Fri August 11, 2005 (for reference)
U.S.G.A Mid-Amateur Championship Qualifying
North Hempstead Country Club
Port Washington, NY

Sat Aug 12 or Thurs Aug 17 2006 (not yet confirmed)
Bethpage Red Invitational

Tues-Thurs AUGUST 22-24 2006

Sat Sun Aug 26-27 2006
Local Championship Cherry Creek

September 21-22, (2005 for reference)
Long Island Golf Association Amateur Stroke Play
Laurel Links-Laurel, NY

Friday- Sunday September 22-24, 2006
NY State GA Men's Mid-Amateur
Brookfield CC, - Clarence, NY

Well its getting to be a nice full list of events at some really nice courses!

Better work on my putting and chipping! B-)

Pro Golfer Blog

Another really interesting blog by a pro playing on one of the Mini Tours (the Tar Heel tour)

Interesting read about the ups and downs of working his way up to doing Q school and also the realities of equipment and sponsorship.

Great info for sure!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Swing Plane

Heres a great golf blog i stumbled upon looking for some swing plane videos.

These guys have done a great job and hopefully once I get some time I can bring this blog up a bit. A nice model to follow!


Monday, November 14, 2005

Michelob Ultra Golf NY Metro Dates for 2006

Tentative dates for 2006
Feb 24-26 Las Vegas
April 29 Spring Lake LI
May 15 Monday Shotgun Hamlett Willow Creek
May 27 Great Rock
June 10 Rock Hill
June 24, 25, NE Regional Washington DC
July 8 LI National
July 22 Pine Ridge
Aug 5 Swan Lake
Aug 12 or 17 Bethpage Red Invitational
Aug 26, 27 Local Championship Cherry Creek
Sept Fall Classic.
Oct Sir Elford Cup/
National Championship

Will have to see how many I can play in.

I was in the hogan flight but would love to move up into a higher to face some stiffer competition. I think it would bring my game up a few notches for sure.

As a walker, its always hard to adjust to cart golf.

Even in Florida I walked all 4 rounds. I find its easier and not as slow cause I always have my clubs and never have to walk back to the cart if I selected improperly.

Plus I can get my rhythm going better when Im walking.

I guess Ill have to adjust as most of the tourments use carts it seems.

Range Work:
Hit balls last night continuing to work on my hand/wrist position at the top of my swing.

It seemed to help but i was fighting a hook on my driver..will see if it was just from being tired yesterday, as I was "recovering" from my birthday celebrations the night before!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Pre shot routine movies

great stuff

Ive been working on my own pre shot routine a lot lately so it was great to stumble upon this little Titlest marketing page.

Some of the top players here outlining their own pre shot routines.

I think the best thing I took away from this was how much emphasis they each place on the target.

I mean it sounds so simple, but we all seem to get so wrapped up in our swing keys when on the tee and over the ball, we sometimes forget to think about where we want the ball to go and subsequently (and most importantly) our approach to actually playing the hole sucessfully.

Also target thoughts clears the head of any negatives and allows us to think of postive thoughts.

Personally I love visualization.

When Im swinging well, I simply see the shot I want to play happen in my mind before I approach the ball. Then its just a matter of stepping up, committing to the shot (so important!) and then hitting it. Easier said than done ofcourse!

But I think its great see these guys "break it down".

The whole idea of "lettin her rip!" is something I was working on this season.

Then if the shot doesnt work out, move on and just get the ball back into play.

Then once back on range, trying to figure out what went wrong mechanics-wise there, not out on the course.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

A great little find!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Range Work

Hit balls tonight working on what I posted earlier.

but also worked on my club/wrist position at the top of my swing.

This really seemed to help.

Instead of breaking my wrists, i tried to keep the club in line with my swing plane or path. A real change. Almost felt like swinging flatter (but i wasnt)

Had great results with this as far as consistency and accuracy (especially with the driver)

So will keep working on this and see how things go.


w, 7, 5, 3 driver.

Off Season thoughts and missing the black already! more golf but I have been hitting at Randalls Island range at night when i get a chance.

Had a really good session last week.

Worked on the following:
- Good turn and rythmn.
- swing plane
- one piece take away
and controlling weight shift at take away

I think thinking of a slight, yet not "over-done" weight shift at the start of my take away did alot of good.

I also have been making sure im not tensing up at address.

Well see how much i can do once i put the car away for the winter, but I plan to go to Dallas to do a week at Hank Hanleys school in Jan. Thats should be a nice off season work out and give me stuff to work on in getting reason for season 06.

Will work with one of their staff teachers. I guess thats all I can afford! Good love "coaching" Tiger I guess!

Rencently have been reading "Zen Golf" and its enforcing some of the positive thoughts I had already noticed taking over in my game near the end of the season.

I got Butch Harmon's "Playing Lessons" book as well and its really helping on some course management and strategy thinking.

The Nassau Player Club have a great "tour" of my "home" course: The Black Course at Bethpage:

The Black Course Tour at Bethpage

This is the sign that greets me every Sat and Sun afternoon as I get ready to play.

Basically says it all!

I think a good off season will let me crack 80 there more often and start playing more regulaly off the blue tees.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

83 bethpage black

crazy windy day today and lots of tough course conditions due to fall winter preparations.

2, 13, 18 fairwairs arriated and topsoilded.

that being said some good shots coupled with some bad luck threw a couple of unwanted doubles (3 to be exact) that were hard to recover from given the wind and mentioned fairways (2 caused me to hit shot, 13 caused my 3 wood to the green to be a bit fat and same with 18)

bogey on 17 due to bad swing on a four iron
double on 5 due to bad swing on 3/4 8 iron into the green
bogey on 11 due to yipped putt (only one all day tho)
double on 2 due to flubbed chip
bad luck double on 6 due to wrong club selection
bad luck bogey on 13 due to wong club to chip with from bunker 20 yards out
bad rushed swing on driver on 12 left long iron into the wind ..missed my long sand shot but then sank a clutch 8 footer to save bogey.

was better off the tee (stats dont really reflect it but good rythmic swings) and putting was better (31)

took some good ideas out to the course and gave things a good run

Once the season starts up and its warmer i can see things coming around..the fairways and ball flying a bit longer will definately help.

frustrating to shoot 83 again, but trying to remember the course played hard today with the wind (20 mhp guts)

tried gary player/butch harmon 3 wood pared!
tried tom kite 6 iron chip..worked just need to get used to it

lots and lots of work to do still.

hanging up the clubs for 2005! hello range and practice putting at home

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sched for 2006

Ive made up a schedule of local Amateur Tournaments and Qualifiers for 2006. Ofcourse some (or most of these) are dependant on getting my handicap down 3 strokes in order to be able to apply to play. So we'll see!

heres the plan:

U.S.G.A Mid-Amateur (quailifer)
Long Island GA Open Championship
Long Island GA Amateur Championship
Long Island GA Public Links Championship
Long Island GA Amateur Stroke Play Championship
NYSGA Men's Mid-Amateur
NYSGA Men's Amateur Championship

So thats a big list and it might not happen if I cant get my intial goal completed.

But Ive anaylized my rounds and can see where I can improve.

The biggest things im going to work on this winter are:

conditioning (strength/Stretching)
putting (trying to practice short putts in my room)
range work

on the range im working on the following thoughts:

complete a good turn on my driver for good distance and accuarcy
good solid firm acceleration on driver and Irons (good tempo)
good accleration on chips
working in good wrist hinge on wedges and acceleration

As the fall has progressed Ive been happy with the way Ive taken thse thoughts to the course...especially in my short game

My putting has become more solid too thinking about a good foolow throught and acceleration.

I might try to play one last round on the Black Course tomorrow so we'll see if I go out.

My last round was an 84 on the blackand I was hitting the ball terribly off the tee. My even tho I didnt get up and down tha tmuch to save par (cold hard greens didnt help!) my chipping was good with no flubs and good aggressive runs at the hole. My putts were all good attempts and we all past the hole burning the rim a number of times.

This was like in Florida. Good solid strokes will keep my going for my birdies and solids pars and will eventually start to drop more.

I think if I can get back into a good solid tempo off the tee I cant knock some strokes off, althought its cold now so the ball isnt flying at all.

Making a tough course almost impossible to score on!

More tommmow!