Friday, December 30, 2005

Harvey Pennick Slow Motion Drill

Ive been working with the Harvey Pennick Slow Motion drill and am really liking it.

Its allowing me to work on some weight transfer ideas plus its great for building strength and flexiblity.

Its one of a number of things/ideas Ive gotten after recently reading Pennicks Little Red Book (a great great read btw)

Heres some more ideas based on an "extension" of these ideas I found on a good golf blog called Golfing Zen:

Going to try and hit the range today hopefully!

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Dead of Winter

Well, to borrow an image (literally!) from The Sand Trap Blog, not much golf going on around here.

But Dec 24th was actually a nice day so went to the range to get ready for my trip to Hank Haneys Golf Ranck in Texas.

Hoping anyone reading had a great holiday season and best wishes to all in 2006!

Feel free to write a comment or drop a line anytime!


Monday, December 19, 2005

Simulator Play

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.

But up here in NYC, the only news lately has been more cold and more snow.

Finally the weather seemed to lift a little this weekend so I went down to Chelsea Piers to hit some balls and play on one of the their Golf Course Simulators for a couple of hours.

It was an interesting session but it was very hard to actually play a game with the idea of scoring at all. Especially on the short game and putting aspects.

Even off the tee, any attempt to work the ball would be read by the Sim as slice or a push or a hook.

Some distances seemed very strange too. A good rythmic swing that, on the course atleast, usually results in some of my longer drives, on the Sim, was being read a very short yardage.

So you really have to go after each shot or you'll come up short. Dont know how good that is to be repeating

Same with the par 3s. Hitting a iron teed up would result in being short too.

But over all it was good to be focused on a target, thinking a few swing keys and "letting her rip" as I say.

Hit a bunch of balls to warm up and worked on my fundimentals: wider stance, good turn, weight shift started my left heel/foot then weight finishing on left side on a good, balanced finish.

Going down to Hank Haneys Golf Ranch in Jan for a five day session, so it will be interesting to see what happens, hear their feedback on what Im doing and how much I take away and end up putting into my game.

Will try and post some video if possible too.

Happy Holidays too!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Snow and thoughts for Spring practice

Well its offical. Winter is here in NYC.

Well..not "offically" but we got our first snow on the weekend and the next little while seems to only point to more.

So no more golf for now.

Ive been working on my putting at home when I get a chance and trying to watch some good instructional DVDs that I bought in the fall. The Tom Kite one Dave Stockton put out is fanatastic for shots from within 50 yards and Tom also has some great approaches to ball striking and the long game as well.

He really stresses balance and getting the weight onto the left foot as you move throught the ball. He also advocates a wide stance.

These points mirror the work I was doing on the range. They are thoughts (that when combined with my "good full turn" backswing thought) that helped me gain some nice distance, feel and ball height.

Im going to start hitting the practice facility on Staten Island once the weather breaks in the Spring. They have a full chipping and Sand Practice area. Hopefully I can hit some 20 yard wedges into it as well. But even being able to get some work in on my chipping will do wonders I feel.

Im also going to hit the par 3 course in Queens in the spring too.

All of the holes seem to be about 50 to 100 yards and this is perfect for working on my various wedges shots. I had a lot of sucess getting my wedge play together later in season, but it still needs work. Playing a few rounds there will definately help its a lighted course so I can go after work and play a few rounds in one session.

Ok more soon!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Winter hours...

Well, my driving range on Randall's Island posted their winter hours last much for that!

They're gonna close at 8 PM and last balls are sold at 7ish so I wont be going there since I usually get home from work around 6:30 and like to relax a bit after.

So I'm looking maybe doing some simulator play down at Chelsea Piers, but its so pricey..

We'll see whats happens I guess!

Good session the other night..worked on weight tranfer, positions at address (wider stance, a bit more open etc) and had good results...worked with the new driver some more..still getting used to it but really really like it still.

Maybe a mix of hitting some balls first then an hour on the simulator would be good, just to keep in shape and see how the swing is holding up as I go through the bag expensive tho! Golf in NYC! Damn! haha

Ok more soon!