A Week at Hank Haneys Golf Ranch, Dallas Texas

Well where to start.
What a fantastic week.
I spent a week at Hank Haneys golf Ranch and have a lot of great things to focus and work on that will really help my game get more solid.
I worked with Kevin Johnson there and would highly recommend him. As a instructor, he quickly focused on a few key swing positons and in doing so, really didnt try to change up a lot, which was a huge relief. It was greaty having a well trained set of eyes looking over all aspects of my game.
The big points Ive take from the week are:
2 key sing moves: workin on my take away, keeping the shaft from getting "inside" (working with a small wrist hinge drill to do this)
then: initiating the downswing by dropping the hands and shifting the left hip forward. This keeps my right heel from raising and allowing it to move towards the target.
Also concentrating on firing down the line, leading with the left hand. I have a small swing drill to do this and the ball really flies when I get it. My left hand nwas breaking down a touch before impact, with my right hand "taking over" and flicking the club head throught the impact.
I also worked on putting the ball back a touch in my stance and really trying to square up the club face at address (I have a tendancy to open it/lay it back)
The other big help was some key short game/putting work:
on chips keeping my weight on my left foot as well as my wedges. Not shifting my weight back to my right foot ( I think i was even doing this slightly on my putts) This is a huge help as I was blading/chunking alot of short chips and couldnt figure out why. It was wrecking my confidence over the ball.
On both wdges and chips: leading with te left hand and no scooping with the right.
Also getting a gap wedge (im thinking a 52 since me pw is 48) and getting a 58 instead on my 60 degree wedge (these 2 i will do quickly)
On putting: Ive set up an alignment line here at home. It allows me to see the clubface at set up and going back.
I also re worked my routine a touch. Ball more in the middle of my stance. Align the clubface w/ the right right hand at address first, then build a stance/grip around that. Also concrentating on good smooth acceleration and leading with the left hand.
Basically all of this will allow me to control my distanceson putts and chips, which has been killing my scoring from 100 yards and in.
I got some nice stat ideas to look at that will give me an idea of how im doing and monitor my shots at 2 key short game points (wedges and chips)
What a great facility. Kevin was a great instructor and gave great, focused feedback and was able to quickly communicate little faults and approaches to fixing/addressing them. He was a fantastic player too and could really dial in his shots from 100 yards and in. My game was pretty rusty but he was great at keeping postive and focusing on the task at hand for me.
Hopefully I can go back down at the end of the season to see how things are progessing and coming along.
Again a great time and hugely beneficial to me... money well spent!